Fall Fabulous

Details  on the
Fall Fabulous Honey Badger Contest
is a weight loss challenge and prizes are awarded based on % of weight lost weekly. I have been trying (not very hard to be honest) to lose weight so I decided a little competition and company would help reduce the size of my ass from a zip code to maybe a comfortable 12. Now don't get all queezy and break out in a sweat from anxiety! I rounded up some awesome prizes to keep you motivated! But first, here are the rules!

  • Leave a comment below to enter.
  • You have to weigh in by 8PM every Tuesday for 9 weeks (baseline week + 8 weeks of competition). Your weight should be sent to my email catrainwater at gmail dot com in this format : weight/ lbs lost.
  • Go "like" the Skinny Cat FB page AND do these!:
    • contest & prize announcements will be there!
    • Share the SK FB Weigh In Wednesday post on your FB!
    • If you win a prize, you have to announce it and give the donor a shout out on your FB                                                                  
  •  Prizes are awarded weekly along with a few extras during the competition for most supportive, funniest comments, etc..
  • This is a friendly, supportive, and fun contest- so keep each other motivated by leaving comments on the Weigh In Wednesday posts and on SK Facebook!
  • Every one's progress and prize winners will be announced on the weekly Weigh In Wednesday post. Therefore, joining the competition gives me permission to post your name/username,% lost and your before & after photo (photos are only published at the end of the contest). You have until Tuesday at 8PM to join and send your baseline weight and photo to me. This weeks Weigh In Wednesday post will be announcing who's in the game, weight loss goal in pounds and who won the 1st prize for joining first.
  • I only need 2 photos- your before to start and your after when the contest ends.
  • So, go comment below and be the first prize winner! All I need right now is a quick post saying "I'm in" or however you want to declare yourself awesome! Now GO!
Brought to you by..



  1. The first one joining the challenge below here is gonna win a prize!

  2. I'm nor brave enough to put it out there- but those prizes are great!

  3. I'm in... nothing like a little accountability to have my skinny jeans quaking in fear! xoxo

  4. Anonymous- please read the new rules- I hope they will make you feel more comfortable :)

  5. "directions on sending your weight & pics. will be there!"

    Where? I can't locate them on the FB page. I am either an idiot and blind or you haven't posted them yet. LOL

  6. Hey Amanda- I will post it tomorrow- if I get enough participants. :)

  7. This had better be happening... I already made a chart.

  8. I'm totally in! It's a shame this didn't start last week....lol. I've been sick as hell all week, and puking my guts out, and I've lost like 5 lbs! Not the best way to do it... but hey! Whatever works!

  9. Just to make sure I understand.... all I gotta do is comment here, and then watch for something on FB... right?

  10. Directions for getting you baseline info. to me today by 8 PM CST:

    Email me your:
    *base weight
    *before picture (you can wear what you and want and be crazy in it...hint, hint)
    *your weight loss goal for the 8 weeks
    *a couple of sentences about you and how you're gonna win.

    So here's what mine looks like- and by looks like I mean colored with dread and a whole lotta WTTF:

    I would like to lose 25 lbs.
    Even though I can't win a prize- I would like to finish under 200 and possibly with a still beating heart. I am especially happy to have company!

    My email: catrainwater at gmail dot com

  11. Ok, Biotches im in it to win it so skip down to starbucks and have a latte dont forget the exstras an a biscut!

  12. Ladies, I commend you all for putting it out there!!! Unlike myself who has yet to honestly admit that my fat ass has to go and/or commit to a weigh-in. I need to willingly get there first –mentally & physically. But, seeing those participating gives me great inspiration that we can all lose the extras of the extras. Perfect it would be if I could join my How to Skinny a Cat girlfriends in this competition, but I’m being a baby right now & need to take the first step for myself -or if someone would slap me upside the head it could juggle a few things around in there & get me to the starting line.

    No less, I will be keeping close watch & hopefully get my mojo going too –alright ladies, one, two, three & twist, one two, three & twist, etc.

    Good Luck to All!!!

  13. Jump in anytime you like, Cleta! We're still with you, Girl!

  14. ps, Please use my username in any related postings - I try to keep my online life as separate as possible from my real-life persona =)

  15. My first day on this ride.
    A walk
    Breakfast...Grits (I live in South m,kay)
    Lunch......Herbal Life, Chocolate..yum
    Supper.....TV Dinner(taste like,well,never mind)
    Snack......Metamucil...a Regular
    A walk
    Bedtime snack, Jim,Jose or Morgan

  16. I wish I would have found your blog sooner- I need something like this to get me motivated! On a related note... My favorite animal has been the armadillo for as long as I can remember- as of last night the humble armadillo was dethroned, and eaten by the Honey Badger...

  17. Hey Hollie! Welcome! You can still join in! We compete weekly on % lost - a big prize will go to the most lost in 7 weeks.

    So, if you want to jump in- here's what you need to do by 8 PM CST TODAY (because tomorrow starts a new week and I want to include you on the Weigh In Wednesday post)- and you will be on your way to fabulouslness with 7 other Honey Badgers!

    Do this to join:

    *Post a comment here today by 8PM CST with your start weight and your weight loss goal (no worries- I moderate comments and will not post it for all of the world to see)

    * Email a "before" pic of you (it won't be published until the last weigh in)to me at catrainwater at gmail dot com

    *Email me a profile pic for you & a little paragraph introducing you! Go see this link for ideas :):http://howtoskinnyacat.blogspot.com/2011/08/weigh-in-wednesday-and-so-it-begins.html

    * Like the Skinny Cat Face Book page so you are in the loop on mini challengesa and updates:

    I hope you join us- the more the better :)

  18. Welcome to the contest Hollie!!! I will add you to teh chart and introduce you tomorrow! You're gonna do great!

  19. ....where is the contest?? =(
