Thursday, September 1, 2011

Holy Shit Snacks!

Holy shit snacks! I just rolled over 15,000 hits ya'll. Fif. Teen! Just last month I hit 10,000. It took me 6 months to get there- and here only one month later-  I have an extra 5,000. I am  always just fascinated that you  guys read the crap that falls out of my head. I mean, I am eternally grateful that my highly intellectual musings and ever expanding dictionary of dirty, amuses you so. THANK YOU! I know, I know, you would rather send expensive handbags and shoes (size 10 please) but you don't trust the mail system so you just click and read to show your affection. I am totally awesome good with that! Seriously, I deep down in my cold rock heart feel warm & fuzzy because you guys keep showing up to help my little dream grow. So thank you, Honey Badgers- I totally fucking love you. And hard!

Thank you , Stalkers:
  • 161 of you get sneak previews, chat with me and like me on Facebook...up from 111 last month!
  • 47 of you follow me on Google Connect
  • 45 of you follow me on Twitter @skinny_cat
  • None of you, however, have sent me shoes or a Cadillac. WTF?

Who's Reading:
Ranked from most readers to least. Not least like you're not important, but least as in your friends are slackers and should read me, too. You know I'm kidding, right? Not really. Okay just a little. Maybe.
  • United States      
  • United Kingdom  
  • Canada              
  • Germany             
  • Cost Rica            
  • France                 
  • Netherlands         
  • Denmark             
  • Australia              
  • Mexico               
  • Portugal              
  • Mexico                
  • Malaysia           
  • Italy  
  • Brazil
  • China
  • Russia
  • Malaysia
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Thailand
  • Latvia (ok where is this??)
  • Turkey

What's Next:
I have a gazillion things I am in the process of fucking up from the books, to the magazine that lets me write for them and fashion. Okay I use "fashion" lightly, it's tshirts and raunchy panties, but I'm gonna call it fashion since hooker heels and sparkly beads will look awesome with it all. I am inspired by the Artsy Chicks so I am tinkering around with my three favorite things: zombies, booze & cuss words. I know! And you're thinking, "Awesome! Christmas ornaments are coming soon!". And you would be totally right. As soon as my ®, ™ and © crap clears I shall share with you. Momma needs some new whore heels so I have to protect myself with these little symbols so I can hit the lotto by suing the fuck out of some douche sewer for ripping me off. Just kidding, I hate lawyers and suing people. Unless the lawyer is Alec Baldwin. Then I might have to love all over him with my lady bits. Sigh, now I need a shower and some wine.

I bet you want to know who won the "Share Skinny Cat Like A Drunk Cheerleader At A Frat Party Contest"! First, let me tell you I have a custom made cuff made by Misti- the awesome jeweler over at The Green Eyed Soul. The Man had it made for my birthday. It is marvelous and perfect and for me only...

Misti will make one for you, too, since you're my peeps and all.
Contact her here:

                    And here is what one of you just won! Customize it to any word you want!

Tracy "Pinky" Taylor  you just won a custom Old English Word or Image necklace! Please email Misti at mistipatnode (at) greeneyedsoulstudio (dot) com to claim your prize. AND please share her links on your FB Page and go like her FB Page:


  1. CONGRATS!!! Very good progress!!!

  2. Thank you Cat, your an awesome bad ass lady!!! Tracy claim your custom piece! I am excited to create for you!!
    - Misti

  3. Hello from a Starbucks in Eastern Idaho!

    I don't remember exactly how I found you, but I love every bit of it! Keep up the good work, and 20k is around the corner!

  4. I love it when you talk all dirty to me, Misti!

  5. Hi Lost In Idaho (that's sounds cold, by the way). Thankies for reading along and for thekind words !

  6. Tracy 'Pinky' Taylor1/9/11 6:36 PM

    Wow! what a lucky girl i am. i get to read stuff that echoes what's going on in my head (so i don't feel like a *complete* freak) and i get twinkly stuff too. bonus! thanks girl xx

  7. They also have your articles posted on in New York. That's how I found you. Glad I did too. You're fucking hilarious!

  8. Holy crap- someone shared me in NY- please tell me you didn't see me in the NYPD lineup of the night? Glad to have you :)

  9. Well, Pinky, I happen to love freaks!

  10. Congratualtions but I'm sure this is only the beginning especially w/ two Mexico's out there reading ur blog -LOL!! I definitely get a kick outta "the crap that falls out of [your] head" -I enjoy it very much thank you. And f'off Alec Baldwin he's mine ... don't make me come find you!! Best wishes -luv me ;)

  11. Latvia is a Baltic Nation near Estonia and Lithuania... I read in NJ, near Delaware and Pennsylvania. Congrats!
