Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday: I See Skinny People!

First, please welcome Hollie to our little contest!

I'm a married mommy of two who is currently working full time and back in college part time while also being active in the community and trying to find time to erase the 10... er... 50? er... 150 extra pounds that have crept on like so many snowflakes during a blizzard.... mmmm.... Blizzard... Dairy Queen sounds great right now- Which is my problem.  I need to finally focus and get these pounds off of me so that I can be a good role model to my little boys and be able to wear the divalicious clothes that I've always wanted to- a bonus is that I'll actually be able to have full length pictures of myself visible on Facebook, although I've mastered the art of UN-tagging myself.  Additionally, my husbands family is comprised of stick-people and It would be nice to be a stick person along with them.  To carve off 25 pounds from my 5'5" frame during the remainder of this Fall Fabulous Contest I'm going to return to the gym and those spinning and Zumba classes I used to love so much and not go through Starbucks for a Venti Mocha Frappuchino afterward... mmmm... Starbucks.

Please review the deadlines for weigh in here :)
Here we go....

 this weeks winner is.....


Oh, and Cay, you just won these custom earrings from EMCJewelry!


  1. Congrats, Cay! So everyone- what was your big challenge this week? Mine was traveling- it's just to easy to eat fast food when you are driving and don't have ime to stop!

  2. Ahh smoothies for breakfast,,,,kiwi for lunch and WTF for dinner. Oh ya, briskett. ooops fell off again.

  3. Breafast & lunch were awesome- so dinner shouldn't be too far off hte wagon...maybe just a leg :)

  4. Wow, thank you. very pretty earrings.
    Come on Honey Badgers, we can do this.
    We are all winners.
